Book Review: A Maker In the Desert

scott b. davis: sonora by scott b. davis132 pages and 93 images, Published by Radius Books in 2021 Book information and purchase page at Radius Books or see the Amazon listing There is a useful exercise, when learning photography, where you choose any random location—a street corner, a meadow, a…


Owlscapes, Revisted

[This page is graphics intensive and may take a few seconds to load.] I’ve been exploring my own images, looking again at work I thought was finished, converting works to HDR to try to better understand this new technology and what it means to my own photography. HDR still photography—the…


SDR and HDR Comparison Video

Did I mention I couldn’t sleep? Understanding HDR still images, though it seems easy, is hard. We’ve spent many years looking at SDR images, agonizing over SDR images. We pondered the colors, the sharpness, all manner of subtleties, but we didn’t give much thought to brightness levels, to the idea…


Photography’s New Thing

I can’t sleep at night, I have trouble concentrating during the day. It’s on my mind, the voice in my head (or, more accurately, the voices, though they all sound like me) can’t stop going on and on about it. It's distracting. The cause of all of this inner tumult?…



What if you made landscape images and put owls at their center, in fact, what if you let the owl, by its location, more or less determine the framing of the image? You’d be making landscape images, yes, but messy ones, ones that reflect more how nature really is rather…


Your Rugs Are Trying to Kill You

Public service announcement: Get rid of your rugs. On April 18, as I was about to leave the house to photograph two owl chicks that my wife had spotted near the elementary school in our neighborhood, my right foot caught the edge of a rug in my family room. Immediately…


What Do We Call AI-Photography?

We need a name for this new thing, this new way of generating photo-realistic images. That name sure isn’t “photography.” There is a great outcry amongst the Twittering masses over this question, every photographer now a philosopher, ontology replacing cryptocurrency as the consuming topic of both those who sense photography’s…


Landscape Words and a Fellow Traveler Teaches

From Here to the Horizon: Photographs in Honor of Barry LopezPublished in 2023 by the Sheldon Museum of Art (at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and the Barry Lopez Foundation for Art & Environment Review written during the rainstorms of early 2023. I’m writing this review by headlamp, the vignetted illumination…