MacOS’s Partial HDR updates

(Note: If you are seeing the above image in Safari or in any other non-HDR browser you are seeing a dark, dull, ugly conversion. If you are seeing it in Opera or Chrome on an HDR monitor you are seeing the real thing--a dramatic difference.) One of the most exciting…


Want to Subscribe? Please Try Again.

Housekeeping note: If you've tried to subscribe in the past but never received a confirmation e-mail or that e-mail arrived too late, please try again. There was an error in the settings of the mailing list service I use and they did not clearly notify me that the problem existed.…


What do Infrared Photographs in HDR Look Like?

Some photographs look more or less the same in HDR with perhaps a few specular highlights growing lighter, the photograph looking maybe a tad more lifelike than before. Infrared photographs, however, seem born for HDR. The white of the photographs, indicative of a high degree of IR reflectivity, comes alive…


SDR and HDR Comparison Video

Did I mention I couldn’t sleep? Understanding HDR still images, though it seems easy, is hard. We’ve spent many years looking at SDR images, agonizing over SDR images. We pondered the colors, the sharpness, all manner of subtleties, but we didn’t give much thought to brightness levels, to the idea…


Photography’s New Thing

I can’t sleep at night, I have trouble concentrating during the day. It’s on my mind, the voice in my head (or, more accurately, the voices, though they all sound like me) can’t stop going on and on about it. It's distracting. The cause of all of this inner tumult?…


What Do We Call AI-Photography?

We need a name for this new thing, this new way of generating photo-realistic images. That name sure isn’t “photography.” There is a great outcry amongst the Twittering masses over this question, every photographer now a philosopher, ontology replacing cryptocurrency as the consuming topic of both those who sense photography’s…


Creative Destruction of the Creatives

There is nothing that computers can do that humans can’t do themselves, with pencil and paper, if only we were given enough time. At a low enough level computation is mind-numbingly dumb. There’s no ghost-in-the-machine hiding down there. But there is a ghost. It is hiding somewhere high above, up…


Codes In Space

You've seen the video of NASA's Perseverance, landing on Mars. The thing is the size of a small car, parachuted into the Martian atmosphere, then falling toward the surface, the fall then arrested by on-board jets which slowed the spacecraft to hover a few dozen feet off the ground as…