American Nukes

I don’t think I’ve mentioned it here before (which sort of amazes me) but for the past three years I’ve been working on a major photo project on nuclear weapons. Road-tripping across the United States, covering a total of 25,000 miles by car and visiting thirty-five states, I’ve visited all…


Book Review: Coming and Going by Jim Goldberg

Jim Goldberg’s new book, Coming and Going, is a mess. It’s a mess of photographs, a mess of handwritten text, of notes, letters, a mess of collages of photographs often hundreds of images to a page, a mess of people I have no idea who they are, a mess of…


Book Review: Pier 24’s Photobook of Photobooks

Oil paintings don’t look that great in books but photographs do. This is part —but only a part—of the reason why photobooks are ubiquitous in the photo art world. No other art form seems so naturally inclined to the printed page, no other art form is so augmented (it is…


MacOS’s Partial HDR updates

(Note: If you are seeing the above image in Safari or in any other non-HDR browser you are seeing a dark, dull, ugly conversion. If you are seeing it in Opera or Chrome on an HDR monitor you are seeing the real thing--a dramatic difference.) One of the most exciting…


My Things-to-do List

When I post about my photo projects it all comes out nice and neat, one project following another, all neatly lined up and each progressing from milestone to milestone as if I have some spreadsheet charting each day’s goals and metrics to measure my progress. (I should, come to think…


Want to Subscribe? Please Try Again.

Housekeeping note: If you've tried to subscribe in the past but never received a confirmation e-mail or that e-mail arrived too late, please try again. There was an error in the settings of the mailing list service I use and they did not clearly notify me that the problem existed.…


Go to the Show (in Lancaster, California)

Doing anything between this Saturday and December 29th? If not, head out to Lancaster, California, and see the Desert Forest: Life with Joshua Trees exhibit at the Museum of Art and History (MOAH). It’s part of a Getty-funded initiative that explores overlapping areas of art and science (an idea that…


Find Something Wonderful

A local church, off Highway One in Half Moon Bay, is known for its yearly book sale. I try to go whenever I can and I’ve found many cool things over the years, even when I arrived late. During the pandemic they stopped holding book sales but, at last, they…


Book Review: Photography Is a Generous Medium

Lee Friedlander Framed by Joel CoenPhotographs by Lee Friedlander, edited by Joel CohenPublished by Fraenkel Gallery, 72 pages, published in 2023Purchase via the Fraenkel Gallery page (preferred) or via Amazon I think it was in the book Friedlander First Fifty where I read that Lee Friedlander puts his prints in…


What do Infrared Photographs in HDR Look Like?

Some photographs look more or less the same in HDR with perhaps a few specular highlights growing lighter, the photograph looking maybe a tad more lifelike than before. Infrared photographs, however, seem born for HDR. The white of the photographs, indicative of a high degree of IR reflectivity, comes alive…