Random Frame (Barry Lyndon)

When I was a teenager I had the flu and I woke up during the night, right about two in the morning, and I went downstairs to watch a little TV. I thought I’d sit there for a bit and then go back to bed. My brother, whose bedroom was…


To the Top of Cima Dome

The hike up to the peak of Cima Dome is not long from the off-road trail that runs along the side of Tuetonia Peak but it is misleading. I parked my FJ Cruiser in a small campground turnout and looked up at the smooth arc of the Dome’s volcanic bulge…


Random Frame (2001: A Space Odyssey)

Stanley Kubrick was a photographer first and then a filmmaker but he was always a photographer. He worked for Look Magazine, like Life but not nearly as famous or remembered today, and he started making images for them while still a teenager. His photography shows in all of his films.…


Random Frame (Paths of Glory, Lolita, Dr. Strangelove)

I’m not so sure people listen to music nowadays. (I hope this isn’t one of those “getting old” rants, but it surely is.) When I was young I used to play an album, especially what I expected to be a “serious” album, with the lights dimmed and all of my…


First Owlscape

Starting last spring I began a project to photograph a family of owls that live near my house on Montara Mountain. I had photographed them before, in 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic but those were just fun shots, messing around, more interested in the owls than in the…


New Project: Random Frame (The Killing)

A year and a half ago I had an idea for a video that would take a movie—key movies that were important to me, especially when I was younger—and would scramble the frames, playing back the movie now with the film jumping all around at 24 frames per second. The…


Raw Footage: Beach Bluffs

Raw Footage posts look at new and developing projects Over the twenty years I’ve lived in my small, unincorporated town on the California coast, I’ve made many projects where the town, or some aspect of it, is the subject. I’ve photographed the streets misted with fog, I’ve photographed Christmas lights…