New Project: Obsidian Dome

In 2004 I moved with my wife and two young daughters from the suburbs of Washington, DC to the California coast, taking a month to travel in a winding, zig-zag path. We had a plan—each of us had made of list of the things we most wanted to see and…


San Pedro Mountain Road

Each Christmas I send members of my family a photograph. This year I made a set of six small images and wrote a text to accompany the photographs. When we moved to California in 2004, Lori and I looked all over the area south of San Francisco for a place…


I Feel Like Going Home

It's a beautiful valley in an unexpected place, south of Elko, Nevada, deep in the desert, and with the mist hanging in the air it looks like some primordial morning, suggestive of a time before Man. But it's not a time before Man and that's not mist. That's smoke, and…


The Freedom Shirts

We don't like Walmarts in the part of the country where I live. We're all good liberals. Walmart is a small-town-destroying monster, gobbling up family businesses, impoverishing its workers. There are no more little downtowns because of Walmarts, just big-box stores surrounded by chain food stores. Something like that. But…

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The Christmas Lights After Christmas

(This post is a part of a pair of posts on Christmas lights.) Christmas is over but the Christmas lights are still up and a walk around my neighborhood still offers up delightful photographs. For me, the attraction of these isn't the lights so much as the character of Montara…

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The Christmas Lights Before Christmas

(This post is a part of a pair of posts on Christmas lights.) I do a poor job here of differentiating between photographs I take which are snapshots, just like everyone else's, and serious photographs, art photographs. Most every photograph on this blog is a snapshot. Once in a while…


The Owls of Montara Mountain

In March came the virus but also came the owls. Two fuzzy-white great horned owls. At first we thought they were alone in the nest near the ranger's house. I happened to have a camera with me with a powerful zoom and made an image of their faces peering wide-eyed…